I've been seeing watermelon manis everywhere lately, so I thought I'd try my hand at the look since summer is definitely in full swing here. Keep reading to learn more!
For this brushstroke-y abstract watermelon design, I was inspired by this ADORABLE mani by Jaunti Juli. It's so fresh and cute and I love it so I wanted to do my own take on it! She did hers with a fan brush, which I tried at first but I'm just not very adept at that funky thing so I used my detail brush instead. I started with a coat of Sally Hansen White On on my index, middle, and pinky fingers, and two coats of Sinful Colors Olympia (one of my favorite pale greens) on my thumb and ring finger. On the white nails, I applied some Wet n Wild Do Pass Go at the base of each nail, followed by a bit of Olympia overlapping it slightly. Then I left some white space, and filled in the rest of the nail with Sinful Colors Ruby Ruby, which I rarely use but it's so pretty. I tried to keep the edges fairly jagged to imitate Juli's nails. For the seeds I actually used one of the paisley designs from my Messy Mansion plate MM48 in black. On my thumb and ring finger, I used White On and a detail brush to paint some triangles with curved bases, then painted the colors on top using the same detail brush. I added some tiny black seeds in black and sealed everything with a top coat for a juicy shine.
Materials Used
Sally Hansen White On
Sinful Colors Olympia
Sinful Colors Ruby Ruby
Wet n Wild Do Pass Go
Franken black stamping polish
Messy Mansion MM48
I really really loved these nails! They kinda scream "IT'S SUMMER, TIME FOR WATERMELON!" What do you think? Let me know! Thanks for stopping by!