To celebrate my graduation and my boyfriend's birthday, we took a trip to the San Francisco Zoo! Read more to learn about the nails I wore for the occasion.
Alright, so I need to work on the focus of shots like this, but I really wanted to show a comparison of my nail to the real life zebra at the zoo! Same with the giraffe, which coincidentally I got spot-on (no pun intended) color wise! In case you can't tell, the designs are supposed to be (from thumb to pinky): tiger, leopard, poison dart frog, giraffe, and zebra.
My boyfriend and I both love animals a lot, so we had a blast taking BART to SF and figuring out the city bus system to get to the zoo. We spent all day there and loved every minute! And the best part - for once, I didn't get sunburned!
Colors Used
Sinful Colors Unicorn
Sinful Colors Black on Black
Sinful Colors Clementine
OPI A-Piers to be Tan
Maybelline Go Go Green
China Glaze White on White
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