Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Fog Horn

Hey, everyone!

It's been a while since I've done nail art based on what I was reading, huh? Then I guess it's time for another episode of Literary Nail Art! What do you mean, I never called it that before? Well that's what it's going to be from now on! Keep reading to find out what inspired this lovely mani!

If any of you know me in person, you might know I'm a huge fan of Ray Bradbury's works. To me, he is the true master of sci-fi, especially when it comes to short stories. He has an incredible way of depicting entirely new worlds that still seem familiar and yet so new and unknown. I particularly love The Martian Chronicles, as well as his many other space oriented short stories. But today's mani is inspired by one of his stories that has nothing to do with space - "The Fog Horn". It's eerie and moving and I really love it! Without spoiling much, let's just say it involves a lighthouse, a foggy coastline, and a creature.

I wanted to depict this as I saw it when reading the story. It came out pretty close, if not perfect. It's been a while since I did this much freehand art! To start this many step process, I painted my nails black, then sponged on bunch of layers of white and Sinful Colors Smokin' until I got a somewhat misty look. Next I painted the bottom 1/3 of my nails with Essie Go Overboard to represent the dark ocean. For the creature, I painted the body with e.l.f. Teal, added details with black and white, and added some ILNP Gaia for scales. I also applied a very thinned out layer of Teal over the scales so they shimmered a bit more subtly. For the cliffs, I used black and Smokin' to make it look rocky and jagged. I painted the lighthouse using white, Orly Red Flare, and a bit of Smokin'. I created the trees on my pinky using Sinful Colors Exotic Green and a bit of black mixed in for deeper green. For the lighthouse beam I used Serum No. 5 Day Glow.

For my thumb, I painted the title of the story using white, then went over it with Day Glow. I actually really loved this lettering, I thought it came out great!

And of course, I have to share how brightly these glowed. Look how bright that lighthouse beam is! And the letters! I didn't edit the brightness on these at all - Serum No. 5 glow polishes are the best glow-in-the-dark polishes I've ever used, hands down!

Materials Used
Wet n Wild French White Creme
Sally Hansen Black Out
Sinful Colors Smokin'
Essie Go Overboard
e.l.f. Teal
Orly Red Flare
Sinful Colors Exotic Green
Serum No. 5 Day Glow

Are any of you fans of Ray Bradbury? Who's your favorite sci-fi author? Let me know below, and thanks for stopping by!