Friday, March 17, 2017

St. Paddy's Day LIKE A BOSS!


Happy St. Patrick's Day to ya! I didn't post anything yesterday because I wanted to post my nails for today on the actual holiday - imagine that! This mani is very near and dear to my heart, because it's actually inspired by none other than my favorite Irishman, Jacksepticeye from YouTube! So grab a pint (or not), and keep reading this post for more info!

Jack is one of my very favorite YouTubers ever. I'm not even kidding. When you watch his videos, you get the feeling that what you see is truly how he is in person. He just seems so dang genuine, and that's one of the things I love about him! He cares so so much for his fans, he's incredibly kind and sweet, he's really smart and insightful, plus he's freaking hilarious! Mostly he makes video game commentary videos, but sometimes he'll do vlogs as well, which are equally as entertaining. If you've never watched his videos before, I suggest you take a gander at THIS fantastic (and festive) one he did for St. Patrick's Day last year! Also, his accent is simply to die for, and since this video he has dyed his hair a super vibrant green - HOW MUCH MORE IRISH AND WONDERFUL CAN HE GET?!

So why the creepy green eyeball, you may ask? Well, that is Jack's mascot/icon, named Septic Eye Sam! I can't paint people worth a darn, so I figured that Sam as a representation of Jack was the next best thing. He turned out really well, if I say so myself!

For this design, I started with two coats of Maybelline Audacious Asphalt on all of my nails. When it was dry, I double stamped some water spotted patterns using hēhē stamping plate hēhē 081 and the polishes Sinful Colors Smokin' and Finger Paints Silkscreen Green. After that, I used Silkscreen Green to paint the shamrock on my thumb, as well as Sam on my ring finger. Then I used a tiny bit of black mixed with the green to add some details and shading on both of those. For the blue iris I used Finger Paints Inkblot Blue, followed by black and white polish for the pupil and shine. I topped everything with topcoat and BOOM! INSTANT BOSS NAILS perfect for St. Patrick's Day!

Materials Used
Maybelline Audacious Asphalt
Wet n Wild Black Creme
Wet n Wild French White Creme
Finger Paints Silkscreen Green
Finger Paints Inkblot Blue
Sinful Colors Smokin'

Whatever you're doing to celebrate (or not celebrate) this day, I hope you have an amazing and fun time! And I hope you enjoyed this funky take on St. Paddy's Day nails! Thanks for stopping by!