I'm not sure what to call this design, honestly. I just sat down with some polishes that looked good together in my head and this is what I ended up with! Keep reading for all the details!
I started off by creating a gradient using two polishes I mixed myself: The Nail Smith Sunrise (a sort of bleached neon orange) and The Nail Smith Buttercream (a sort of bleached neon/buttery yellow). Over the top of that, I used Color Club Beyond to stamp some funky images from stamping plate hēhē 082, including a deer head that looks pretty cool. Quick and simple!
Materials Used
The Nail Smith Sunrise
The Nail Smith Buttercream
Color Club Beyond
Stamping plate hēhē 082
Liquid latex
I did these nails foreeeeevveeerrrr ago so I'm glad I get to finally share them with you! Thanks for stopping by!