Sunday, October 18, 2015

Pink October

Hey, everyone!

As much as I would love to have made this month solely one of Fall and Halloween nail art, I simply can't let the month of October run its course without doing some Pink October nails. Mind you, I really really dislike wearing pink, but obviously for this cause I make an exception! Keep reading to find out more about this look!

I don't know what it is about pink nail polish and pink in general that I dislike, but something about it just doesn't suit my tastes. The occasional soft pink is okay for me, though. But I really only keep this bright pink polish around for use on other people or during October! Breast cancer is a terrible disease, and there are a number of people in my life who have suffered from it and managed to beat it - often more than once! So I figured, if they could stay strong and kick cancer's butt, then I could manage to wear some pink nails in their honor for a few days!

For this nail art, I started with two coats of OPI Strawberry Margarita on all nails but my ring finger, and two coats of Wet n Wild Black Creme on that nail. When they were dry, I applied a coat of China Glaze Fairy Dust (because it makes everything better!) on all of my pink nails. Then I stamped some lace using black polish and Messy Mansion MM44. After topcoating all of my nails, I applied some nail glue and some pink rhinestones in a ribbon pattern.

Materials Used
OPI Strawberry Margarita
China Glaze Fairy Dust
Wet n Wild Black Creme
Messy Mansion MM44

I'm really glad I went for this fairly simple and kinda feminine design. I never know what to do with pink so I guess this turned out pretty well! Thanks for stopping by!