I'm taking a quick break from Halloween nail art designs to bring you this little project of mine. These nails were inspired by the movement #HeForShe. To learn more, keep reading!
For those of you who don't know what HeForShe is, it is "a solidarity movement for gender equality that brings together one half of humanity in support of the other half of humanity, for the benefit of all" (http://www.heforshe.org). You may remember that Emma Watson recently spoke at the United Nations on this subject, the video of which you can see here. Recently, one of my friends approached me wanting some false nails for a photo shoot focusing on HeForShe. Unfortunately due to time constraints and scheduling conflicts, my friend wasn't able to complete the photo shoot, so I figured I'd at least share some pics of the nails I did for it!
While trying to think of some cute containers in which to put the finished products, I came across these soap containers at Target, and the generic logo was easily adapted to become the #HeForShe logo!
I then discovered that a few dots of Blu Tack held each nail in place perfectly! I did three sets of nails, and each box was under a dollar, so it was overall a pretty cheap project since I already had the false nails lying around! And I know they look orange in the pictures, but the bright pink of OPI Strawberry Margarita was really wreaking havoc with my camera! I promise the nails are a nice hot pink in person!
The first set I did was for my friend. I came up with a few different designs and she liked this one the best. I can't say that I blame her! I loved it quite a bit myself! I was going for a bit of a classic look and I think I nailed it! (hehehe)
The second and third sets were originally intended for the other girls who were going to participate in the photo shoot. This second set was supposed to be kind of punk-y and grungy. The black crackle polish was such an easy way to get this look!
This last set was just a mish-mash of different things, but I really liked the way it came out. Almost like a #HeForShe skittlette! Overall I really enjoyed making these sets of nails, especially since it was for such a great cause. Maybe someday they'll still get used for a photo shoot!
Materials Used
False nails
Wet n Wild Black Creme
Sally Hansen White On
China Glaze Whirled Away
OPI Strawberry Margarita
Pure Ice Strobelight
Thanks for stopping by!