
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Life Update and Mourning Ane Li

Hey, everyone!

This month has been pretty insane. I've gotten myself a car, a home (with my boyfriend), and on Monday I'm starting a new job. It's been stressful and yet, I'm so excited for this next chapter in my life to start! So for those of you who've stuck around, thank you. It means a lot!

As many of you no doubt know by now, the nail art community recently lost an incredibly talented artist, Ane Li. She was young, far too young to be gone now. But the nail community has rallied together to support one another and honor her memory. Since I didn't have a chance to post my recreation of her nail art with the rest of the community on Monday, I'm posting this now. Keep reading to learn more.

Somebody said to me that it's incredible how much talent and unique personal style Ane Li had for being so young. I'm still reeling over the fact that she's gone. The night I found out, I cried a lot. She would always respond kindly and graciously to my comments on her designs. And I think that's why it's hit me so hard. Unlike celebrity deaths, Ane was very real and human due to the interactions I'd had with her. My heart can't imagine the pain that her family has been going through, and all I can offer is prayers of peace for those who are mourning her loss.

I think it's really amazing how the nail art community has honored Ane and her achievements. It was decided that we would each choose one of her designs to recreate in memory of her. I chose to recreate her phases of the moon design (even though I know she wasn't the original artist), especially since it's been on my to-do list for a very long time.

For my version of the design, I started with two coats of Wet n Wild Black Creme on all of my nails. When it was dry, I used a combination of white polish, black polish, and polish thinner to create the moon phases on my nails. The moons on my middle and ring fingers were especially tricky. I finished everything with a matte topcoat, a la Ane Li. To me, the matte finish was a part of her signature style.

Ane Li will live on in her timeless nail art and in the hearts and memories of her family, loved ones, and followers. Rest peacefully, dear girl. You don't know how much you are missed...

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